Reverie Rabbit draws inspiration from the renowned Chinese tale "Jade Rabbit Chasing the Moon." In this simplified version, the story begins in a forest where three gods, in disguise, seek sustenance from a fox, a monkey, and a humble rabbit. While the fox and monkey offer food, the impoverished rabbit, with nothing to give, showcases exceptional kindness.
Moved by the rabbit's generosity, the gods reveal their true identities and decide to bring the rabbit to the moon as a gesture of gratitude. Tasked with creating an elixir of immortality using the moon's divine herbs, the Jade Rabbit tirelessly pounds the herbs day and night. Despite its persistent efforts, the elixir remains elusive, yet the rabbit perseveres, symbolizing diligence, sacrifice, and selflessness on the moon's surface.
Dear Cherished Couples,
I'm delighted to extend my heartfelt greetings to you as the founder of our enchanting venture, Giselle Tay. As a former beauty queen, Miss International Malaysia 2022, I've had the privilege of attending numerous events and special occasions. I discovered the profound joy and challenges that come with curating a celebration of love.
Motivated by this passion and understanding of couples' dreams, I am honored to introduce Reverie Rabbit. It is more than a company; it's your partner in crafting the start of your happily ever after with grace and unwavering dedication....
Cheers to your beautiful love story and the magical moments ahead!
Warmest regards,